Are you the same person online and offline? How strong is your connection to the real things around you? These are a few thoughts about the conscious use of technology and screen time that Samsung brought to Reconnected, its first comic stories on Instagram.
WITH: Raphael Brites, Vinícius Enéas, Fabio Del Rio and Francisco Martins.
Episode 1: Message sent
Do you get anxious with unanswered messages? Sometimes, it's just someone who chose to give you the good news in person.
If you speak Portuguese, you can read the complete story below.
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Episode 2: From like to like
Have you ever travelled around the world just by scrolling through your friends' posts? Here's a tip: the best way to experience amazing things you see on screen is by getting off.
If you speak Portuguese, you can read the complete story below.
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Episode 3: Offline
Do you disconnect from real life while using your phone? Most of the time, it's offline that we connect better with the world.
If you speak Portuguese, you can read the complete story below.
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